Entering 'HELANG' territory at your own risk.

'BACA-lah Dengan Nama Tuhanmu Yang Maha Tinggi..'

Allah s.w.t. berfirman mafhumnya: "Wahai orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kalian kepada Allah dengan sebenar -benar taqwa, dan janganlah kamu mati kecuali kamu dalam keadaan Muslim." ( Surah Ali 'Imran : 102 )

(Riwayat At-Turmizi & Ibnu Majah)

“Dan janganlah kamu cenderung kepada orang-orang yang membuat zalim nanti kamu akan disambar oleh api neraka sedangkan kamu tiada sebarang penolong pun selain dari Allah. kemudian (dengan sebab kecenderungan kamu itu) kamu tidak akan mendapat pertolongan”
(Surah Hud: 113)

"Manusia ketika di dunia semuanya tidur (lalai), bila mati baru mereka terjaga (tersedar)." ( Sayidina 'Ali r.a.)

"Daripada Abu Hurairah r.a. bahawa Rasullulah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud; "Tuhan kita turun pada setiap malam ke langit dunia ketika tersisa sepertiga malam terakhir dan berfirman, 'Sesiapa yang berdoa kepada-Ku maka Aku memenuhinya. Sesiapa yang memohon kepada-Ku maka Aku akan memenuhinya. Sesiapa yang meminta ampun maka Aku mengampuninya.'"
( Hadis Qudsi Riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, AbuDaud dan lain-lain.)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Herd of mountain goats casually climb near-vertical 160ft dam

At first look you could be forgiven for thinking this photo of the Cingino dam in the Italian Alps is unremarkable, but for the feat of civil engineering it represents.
Alpine horns: At first sight the specks on this dam appear appear to be rocks, but on closer inspection .....
Don't look down: The goats have no fear of fallingHowever, look a bit closer and you might feel like a bit of a silly billy for not realising those specks on its sheer 160ft face are something altogether more amazing.

These incredible pictures show Alpine Ibex goats wandering across the face of the near-vertical dam in Northern Italy without a care in the world.

The gravity-defying goats typically live in very steep and rocky terrain at altitudes of up to to 4,600m and have no fear of falling whether climbing up or down the 160ft dam wall. 
Gravity-defying: The goats clearly have a head for heights as they hoof it across the near-vertical wall of the dam
And they aren't doing it just to show off. 

It is thought the goats are actually grazing, licking the stones for their salts.

Don't look down: The goats have no fear of falling

The photos have captured the imagination of bloggers across the internet including Jolle Jolles, a 25-year-old zoologist working at Cambridge University. 

'I have a great fascination for goats,' he said. 

'I think they are one if not the most fascinating animals on our planet.

Probably most of you might at first not agree, thinking of your favourite animal (as) the panda, lion or dolphin. 

'But goats have more to offer than their great grazing abilities.' 

The Alpine Ibex is a species of wild goat that lives in the mountains of the European Alps and seek refuge at high altitudes to protect themselves from predators.

1 comment:

Illuminati Mukmin said...

I also think goats are fascinating animal too. Makan dgn nasi mandy cukup A.....